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SELF-HEAL Program (Basic)

Are you ready to unlock the transformative power within yourself?

What you'll get:

  • Convenient monthly subscription. 
  • The entire SELF-HEAL Program - which includes online instructional videos and activities.
  • Access to our exclusive private community for inspiration, connection and support with other like-minded practitioners, coaches and healers. 

🌺 Join Us on Your Path to Inner Peace


What People Are Saying:

I literally felt my heart opened and having SO MUCH love for all of you. It's amazing how much love one can feel for people I have only known for such a short amount of time, yet it feels like I've known you all for so long.  


Funny how when I applied what I learned about how to ground myself and I looked around at the beauty surrounding me, every pain and knot went away!  


How can any single one of us who has been touched by these teachers ever feel lost, sad, and disconnected when we have these teachers in our lives who are so full of love and wisdom, basically at our disposal.