Mindfully Recharging: Practical Tips for Overcoming Exhaustion Linked to Unresolved Trauma

We've been there, in that overwhelming place where trauma drains us, both emotionally and physically. That relentless fight, flight, or freeze response can leave us completely depleted, a feeling many of us know all too well.

But there's something we've found that helps recharge our batteries during these times of exhaustion – and it's beautifully simple: connecting with nature. We're not talking about embarking on epic adventures or indulging in lavish retreats. The beauty of this connection is that it's incredibly accessible, doesn't cost anything, and doesn't demand much energy, which is a godsend when we're already run down.

What we do is this: just touch the earth.

It might sound too straightforward, but there's a wealth of science to back it up. The earth's surface is buzzing with free electrons and conducts electricity. We, as electrical beings, are in the perfect position to harness this. By grounding ourselves, physically connecting with the ground, we tap into the earth's natural charge. This process, known as earthing or grounding, brings the earth's electrical energy into our bodies.

Research, like the studies published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health, shows that this connection can foster a stable bioelectrical environment within us, crucial for all our body systems to function optimally. So, when you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, remember this simple act of touching the earth. It's a small gesture, but for many of us, it's been a transformative step, and we hope it can offer the same rejuvenation for you.

For a download on Tips for Recharging After Emotional Exhaustion from Trauma, please click here